Fashion Tips For Men's Different Body Shape

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dressing well and looking good is easy when you know what fashion tips to follow. Just like women, men also come in different body types and require different styles, cuts and patterns depending on their frame. If you follow these basic fashion tips, you're bound to look great.

So, you've worked hard in the gym, and you have the body to prove it, but you can still make use of helpful tips to look as good in a suit as you look in a tank and gym shorts:
  • Avoid tight slacks: If your thighs are very muscular, you may have trouble finding pants that are roomy in this area, but you should shop around until you find a brand or designer that makes slacks that aren't tight on your legs.
  • Buy the right size: Surprisingly, some men seem to prefer tight-fitting clothes or are just stuck on wearing a certain size, even if it's too small. When shopping for shirts and blazers, buy a size that gives you room to swing your arms around. You should be able to flex in your jackets without straining the seams.

If, like many men who put on weight, you find an excess baggage in your stomach area, follow these men's body shape fashion tips to help disguise it and not draw more attention to a larger belly:

  • Wear pants that fit around your waist, not under it: For many men, gaining weight in the stomach is met with denial. They refuse to buy slacks in a larger waist size, so their bellies hang over the waistband of their pants. It's best to buy slacks that fit around your natural waist.
  • Vertical details help: Vertical stripes help to bring the eyes up and down, which gives the illusion of thinness. Stripes should be narrow, not overly wide, for the best look.

Big and Tall
For the man who's taller than average (whether or not he's also overweight), finding clothes that fit perfectly can be a challenge. You want your slacks to fall past your ankles and your shirt sleeves to come all the way to your wrists. For the most flattering look, big and tall men should:

  • Avoid too many patterns: There's nothing wrong with a tropical shirt; however, if you wear a patterned top, then the rest of your outfit should be plain and simple
  • Buy in big and tall men's stores: You need pants and shirt sleeves in the right lengths. Shopping in a regular men's department that caters to men of average height will probably yield some disappointing finds.
  • Dark colors are slimming: If you're on the heavy side, black is universally slimming, as most women already know. Look into navy blue, charcoal grey and chocolate brown as other choices outside of basic black.

Shorter Guy
Chances are, if you're shorter than average, you want your clothes to help you appear taller. Short men should:
  • Wear pants that fall past the ankle: While this is a good rule to follow for all men, this is crucial for short men. Your slacks should have a natural break at the top of your foot. Pants that fall shorter than that risk making your legs look shorter.
  • Sick to monochromatic looks: When you wear the same color or color family head-to-toe it helps to elongate you. This doesn't mean you have to wear a navy blue shirt and navy blue slacks, but a blue shirt in any shade paired with dark-blue slacks will give you a longer look than a yellow shirt with black pants.

We all have different body shapes and sizes.  No matter what your shape or size is, the important factor is that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing.