Five Ways To Make Your Hair Sexy

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 13, 2012

Your hair, tresses, locks, mane, coif, crowning glory, whatever you call those luxurious strands flowing from your head, it's a different name for the same glorious thing. Throughout history beautiful hair, voluminous hair, bouncy hair, shiny hair, unfastened sexy hair hanging loose down your back has been known to have seductive powers, to evoke the sensual side of men, so much so that nuns are required to cut their hair off when taking their vows and many religions require that a woman cover her hair when in public, to not send the opposite sex into fits of frenzy at the site of a distractingly beautiful head of sexy hair. There is a reason Lady Godiva and Rapunzel are legendary, and the young wife in the Gift of the Magi could have made the Queen of Sheba envious. They had traffic-stopping, fantasy-inducing, myth-inspiringly sexy hair, and you can too. 
  • Powder your hair. This is great for hair whether you have light or dark hair. It adds volume and texture, and absorbs excess oil at the roots, so if you had your hair blown out and it's starting to go flat, this will perk it right up and make your blow out last even longer. It will help you maintain that sexy volume instead of flat, lifeless locks. To do this, take some baby powder or corn starch and shake a bit over your roots, and use your fingers or a brush to blend the powder into your hair. The most famous hair dressers in the world recommend this tip, and you can get that sexy bedhead look with a simple bottle of powder to tousle and voluminize your locks. 

  • Perfume your beautiful mane. A spritz of an intoxicating perfume before you clip it back or tie it up will remain in your hair all day, gently surrounding you all day and emitting a wonderful fragrance to those around you every time you let down your hair. If you wear your hair down, every time you toss it the scent will be released anew, appealingly arousing and delicate. A perfume bouquet that is seductive and spicy is a favorite, or something that whets the appetite (think Oriental spice or vanilla cinnamon, favorite scents for most men on a woman). 

  • Blow dry hair with cool shot. This makes your locks extra shiny, and shiny hair means healthy hair, which is a biological sign of beauty (it's instinctive- men who sees healthy, shiny hair naturally find it more attractive because it's a sign of health, youthfulness and fertility). Most women who blowdry their hair forget this step at the end, which will not only lock in the smoothness of a blowout and prevent frizzies, but will help a blowout to last longer too. If you air dry your hair, add a teeny amount of silicone shine serum to it to enhance shine. 

  • Tame flyaway hair with hair spray…but spray it onto the palm of your hand and slide it over your hair. During the colder or dryer months frizzies and flyaways become a real problem for many women, who resort to tying up their hair or covering it with a hat to cope. Don't cover up your crowning glory. Instead, simply smooth some hairspray spritzed into the palms of your hands over your hair cuticles for smooth hair all day long and year long, and use a light, non-sticky hairspray so it won't dull your hair while smoothing it. 

  • Decorate your sexy hair with a lovely clasp or jeweled barrette. Pretty, feminine hair clips and hair accessories add a very girlish charm to a look, plus a bit of glamour, and whether you wear your hair half up, half down, in a ponytail, or loose and to the side, a pretty clip holding your hair in place is a great way to have adorably sexy hair as well as add some variety to your hair routine. Don't be shy about being creative and extravagant; the shinier the bling the more attention getting it is.