Health Dangers Found In Your Closet

Posted by Unknown on Monday, April 16, 2012

We all know the saying "beauty is pain," but can it be downright dangerous? Shapewear smooths out all those unwanted lumps and bumps, and six-inch stilettos make legs look oh-so-sexy. But what happens if said shapewear is cutting off your circulation and said stilettos squish your feet to the point of deformity?

Hidden inside some of our favorite fashion choices are scary things like fungal infections, hammertoes, and even hunchback! Here are seven fashion hazards that can be bad for your health. 

High heels: You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that high heels are bad for your feet. But who knew those six-inch stilettos could also cause posture problems, skin irritations, and even toe deformities? 

High heels put all your body's weight on our forefoot, causing you to adjust the rest of your body to maintain balance. The bottom half of your body leans forward so the top half must lean back-this disrupts the normal 'S' curve of your back, flattening your lower spine and displacing your mid-back and neck. It is very difficult to maintain good posture in this position-not only is it detrimental to the health of your spine, 'stooped over' is not a sexy look!

Doctors say high heels can also cause structure and skin problems for your feet. With the foot in a downward position, there is a significant increase in the pressure on the bottom plantar of the forefoot, which can lead to pain or deformities such as hammer toes, bunions, and more. The downward foot position also causes your foot to supinate, or to turn to the outside. Not only does this put you at risk for a sprained ankle, it changes the line of pull of the Achilles tendon and may cause a deformity known as 'pump bump. The best way to avoid any high-heel mishaps? Switch between heels and sneakers as much as possible and save the sky-high ones for the shortest stints possible (like wearing out to dinner when you'll likely be sitting most of the evening). 

Tight, low-rise jeans: Numbness in the outer thigh region? It might be because your jeans are too tight! This phenomenon, known as 'tight pants syndrome' (very scientific) has sent many women to the neurologist's office.

This condition is caused by a compression of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous nerve. It was previously only seen in large bellied men that wore their belts too tight. Now, we see it in ladies wearing too tight jeans.

Doctor says you can still wear low-rise jeans if you like, just get them in a larger size. 

Wet bathing suits: Remember when Mom used to tell you not to sit around in a wet bathing suit? She was right! Most women don't realize that wet bathing suits and sweaty workout clothes can actually give them a nasty (and itchy) infection. To avoid yeast infections, change out of tight or wet clothing as soon as possible, and keep the genital area cool and dry by wearing cotton underwear instead of synthetic fabrics. If you feel itching or burning, or notice a difference in your discharge, talk to your doctor. You can easily treat a yeast infection with an over-the-counter like Monistat.

Too-tight bras: Although rare, there are definitely health hazards when it comes to wearing a bra that's too tight, including skin irritations, fungal infections, breathing problems, and even claims that it can hinder the lymphatic system (a heavily debated subject).

Tight bras can reduce the lymphatic flow to the breasts thus creating an environment with more 'cellular waste and toxins' that should have been cleared by the lymphatic system.

However, the biggest concern is for pregnant women who can get mastitis, which is an inflammation and sometimes infection of the mammary glands. Getting properly fitted and being careful to wear a bra that's not too constrictive is the best way to avoid this fashion hazard. 

Thong underwear: Once again, yeast infections are the culprit here. Due to the constant rubbing of the material inside the labia, some women experience more frequent yeast infections from wearing thong underwear.  Thongs can increase the risk of urinary tract infections because they help push bacteria from the rectum up into the urethra.

Spanx and other shapewear: It's hard to argue with the benefits of shapewear. Since its inception, this cousin of the girdle (and control top pantyhose) has us cinched, smoothed, and sucked in to perfection. However, when it's simply too tight, it can lead to a host of health issues, from bladder and yeast infections to nerve damage and even blood clots. 

The constrictive clothing can also compress nerves, leading to leg pain, numbness, and tingling. And if the garment is also putting pressure on your lungs, you may not be able to breathe properly in it either. 

Flip flops: While comfy and cute for the summertime, flip-flops are a fail when it comes to proper foot support.

Flip-flops give no support to the bottom of your foot, so it can twist and turn any which way, leading to sprains, breaks, and falls. The thin, flat soles have virtually no shock-absorbing qualities.

Not to mention, lack of support while you're pounding the pavement can lead to plantar fasciitis (a painful inflammation of the connective tissue) and blisters and callouses on the soles of feet. Ouch!