Guess Watches

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The weather may currently be indicating otherwise, but at the Investment FM Summer time Tennis ball on 9th May 2012, we’d Think it was a rather different affair…

GUESS WATCHES were once again chosen as the unique observe brand to gift A-List superstars at the pop party event of the period. This summer’s greatest sold out show, organised by 95–106 Investment FM Summer time Tennis ball at Wembley Ground, London, uk, saw performers such as The Wanted, Bieber Bieber, Katy Perry, Jessie J and Kelly felix Clarkson perform to rapturous crowd.

As thanks for their interesting overall performance, each celebrity was blessed the best GUESS observe designs of the period such as the shiny red male's GUESS observe (above left) and the fluorescent ladies double cover Small Mania (above right).

‪From shiny eye capturing colors, fantastic plastic ties, aluminum brights, outsized calls with silver, silver, combined materials, and set ties to glamour and white hot designs, the new Spring/Summer 2012 GUESS observe selections are THE declaration components of the period. No need to be envious – check out the designs available at Debenhams today.

Oh, and keep a look out for Think watches showing on the arms of some of the greatest A-list superstars, at any time soon…