Jackson family hair day

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, August 2, 2012

We have all been in desperate need of haircuts and me a highlight (I had waited like 4 months, which is unheard of for me!)

I usually do it myself, unless my sister (who is also a hairstylist) is magically in town to do it, which is hardly never. It is so hard for me to get the back so I probably had like 5 inches of re-growth back there. I am so excited about our team of hair dresser's because the very talented SHANA beautified me. It was so nice to get a FULL Highlight. She did a Rockin-Amazin job!
Andelyn has the most amazing hair and I have no idea where she get's it from. Some night's I want to chop it off in her sleep and make hair extensions for myself :) She really love's it long, so we just did a trim. 
 Miss Lexi Rain got her hair chopped! I did this for a few reason's. I thought we were growing it out but she has some issue's with me getting near her hair with anything. I can't comb it, wash it, put any elastics or bobby pins in it without her having a complete melt-down (lovely I know since she has me for a mom!)  So I said, forget it, she will be starting Pre-School this Fall and I refuse to fight with her every morning.
 She really does look adorable with a little bob cut.